5. Direct quotations are commonly introduced by a signal phrase (also called a quotative frame), such as Dr. King said or Abigail Adams wrote, and are used in written and audio or visual media, especially if an anchor or reporter is giving someone's exact words without having a recording of the person actually saying it. 1. incorporated into the submission. Incorporated definition, formed or constituted as a legal corporation. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety Use of an assortment of sentence patterns, rhythms, and lengths to reduce repetition and emphasize important points in a text. These components include the subject, the predicate, the direct and indirect object, the compliments, phrases and clauses. In most cases, the main point is located in the main clause to make it easier to find. Sentence Examples. On 7 November 2019, Bosco Ntaganda was sentenced to a total of 30 years of imprisonment. hell synonyms hell antonyms merriam webster thesaurus. When you incorporate quoted material into your own sentence, make sure the result is a grammatically correct sentence. Your sentence, even if it includes a quotation within it, must still meet all the rules of a traditional sentence. (Publication Date) For Example: Smith et al. A sentence is a group of words that is complete in meaning. Here are some examples. A topic sentence is only incorporated in a body paragraph; it is not part of an essay's introduction paragraph. The Conservative Party has attempted to incorporatea number of ideas from the Liberal platform in order to attract more voters. In this case .the examiner should write the dictated sentence and make a note that it was dictated. Usury is both the basis of the incorporation and the instrument of its oppression. This would assume — strictly speaking, of course — that you have only one wife, so the name is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. the will must clearly manifest the intent that the document be incorporated. Share. a. Depending on its type, a sentence consists of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. A single question contained in a sentence can also be preceded by a colon as long as the word before the question is not a verb. CK 67561 The urban population of America is increasing. This sentence now uses the active voice because the agent (we) is the subject of the sentence. See how to use be incorporated in a sentence. 0. incorporated in a sentence - Use incorporated in a sentence and its meaning 1. RELATED ( 2 ) a company engaged in. 4. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of a standard that has been incorporated by reference, contact the standards organization that developed the material. Effective sentences stress the main point or the most important detail. (easily, quickly, readily) " The area was successfully incorporated as part of the city. ... by AbiTalk Incorporated. harrowing of hell wikipedia. A sentence typically contains a subject (what the sentence is about) and a predicate (something about the subject). -- Jan Vanous, president of PlanEcon Inc ., an economic think tank, on foreign investors'reluctance to buy Eastern European stocks. Cumulative Sentence Examples. Here are some examples. Incorporating Sentence Variety. into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. Legal Benefits. They invited seven of their friends to join them in organizing a new type of inter-city club. What is a sentence using the word abbreviate? This sentence now uses the active voice because the agent (we) is the subject of the sentence. Commas After Inc., States, and Years . Examples of sentence completion tests [edit | edit source] There are many sentence completion tests available for use by researchers. Please use the navigation bar on the left or the links below to access the individual exercises. Oral instructions cannot be subject to incorporation by reference. Format it as you would prose unless the poem has unusual spacing or formatting. An exception to the first requirement is made for small gifts of tangible personal property, such as household furniture and items of sentimental value. “One of the examples accompanying that definition was “Jojo incorporated my comments into the final document.” Therefore, “How much detail should I put into this?” is correct. The Comma Before Inc. or LLC It's one thing to put LLC or Inc, in your name, but is it proper … incorporated into the list. 309351 Her business was incorporated.CM 49041 The company is incorporated in Japan. print the contents of the linked list with a space inbetween to get the expected output. This active voice sentence's agent is the presiding officer, which is the subject. A single question contained in a sentence can also be preceded by a colon as long as the word before the question is not a verb. Nowadays most writing manuals are suggesting that we get rid of the commas that set off "Inc." from the rest of the sentence. hell on rails oklahoma towns at war with the rock island. Pay attention! If the sentence continues, follow the period with a comma (no space). rebel hell disabled vegan goes to prison jan smitowicz. Entertainment colossus MCA Inc. was purchased for $6.6 billion. When the new recruit heard that he was accepted to the marines, he was very disappointed. Context sentences Usage examples for "inc" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. The term corporation comes from the Latin corpus, which means body.A corporation is a body--it is a legal person in the eyes of the law. incorporated into the recommendations. The question should start with a capital letter: The answer left us with another question: When can a question be preceded by a colon? incorporated into the declaration. context. slayer hell Steps for Incorporation. In order to provide a complete report, Henry and his staff incorporate the graphs and charts into the written text. In narrative citations, the author name is incorporated into the text as part of the sentence and the year follows in parentheses. 2 : formed into a legal corporation Examples of incorporated in a Sentence The company is incorporated in the state of Delaware. -- Jan Vanous, president of PlanEcon Inc ., an Eastern Europe consultancy, on the status of the Czech Republic's transformation to a free-market economy. Sentence completion measures have also been incorporated into non-projective applications, such as intelligence tests, language comprehension, and language and cognitive development tests. Designed for medical applications, a rugged push-pull connector offered by ODU-USA Inc. can withstand more than 1000 mating cycles. Use a main for loop to traverse till the end of the sentence: Copy the letters in a string until you find a space. CM 255835 I've finally got used to urban life. thesis. (2013) (Gosh, now where do I put that final period?) (formally, fully, finally, legally, officially) " These new features can be easily incorporated. CK New ideas will be incorporated into the book. Parenthetical (citation at the end of a sentence) General Format: (Author et al., Publication Date) For Example: (Smith et al., 2013) Narrative (incorporated into the text as part of the sentence) General Format: Author et al. Incorporated in a sentence. The Dos and Donts of Using a Period. Incorporate is a more active version of the word "include"; if you incorporate, you are adding something to the mix. tv hell the list page 6 cancelled tv shows. Definition of Incorporated. As the name implies, full sentence quotes are created by quoting complete sentences that take up less than 4 lines. Write it. now call add@beginning function and in that function add the string each time you pass a string to the linked list. the will must clearly manifest the intent that the document be incorporated. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety Use of an assortment of sentence patterns, rhythms, and lengths to reduce repetition and emphasize important points in a text. Rather than breaking down a preexisting sentence, students create their own complex sentences by combining two or more simple sentences in a variety of ways. On May 28, 1888, a meeting of citizens was held in Baumeister's Hall, for preparing incorporation papers. When you end a sentence with an abbreviation, you don't need an extra period. Ramsey sentences are formal logical reconstructions of theoretical propositions attempting to draw a line between science and metaphysics.
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